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We offer a wide range of pre-prepared test materials, produced in our dedicated in-house Test Materials Centre, to an extremely high standard and have rigorous quality checking procedures in our two ISO 17025 compliant labs to ensure consistency of batch.
As a designer and manufacturer of test instruments, and producer of test materials our team has an in-depth understanding of how they integrate, to ensure we offer the best products possible.
Reliable, repeatable testing requires high quality test materials, and buyers in the UK and USA can now quickly and easily order them online.
Choose from a selection of our most popular test materials, pre-cut and on the roll, in lots of different pack sizes and at very competitive prices.
Our online test materials shop is a comprehensive resource for laboratory, quality control and production personnel, who want to take advantage of:
We offer a wide range of pre-prepared test materials, produced in our dedicated in-house Test Materials Centre, to an extremely high standard and have rigorous quality checking procedures in our two ISO 17025 compliant labs to ensure consistency of batch.
Watch this short video to gain an inside view into the James Heal Test Material Centre where we do everything from weaving our extremely popular Multifibre fabric to producing Phenolic Yellowing Test Kits, then quality checking before packing and despatching to our customers worldwide.