Multifibre DW Adjacent Fabric – Pre-cut 100x40mm with gimped edges (250 pieces)


We weave our Multifibre DW internally, carrying out a consistent testing process to ensure you receive a consistently high-quality test fabric. The materials composition is compliant with the requirements specified in ISO 105 F10 and is approved by many leading UK and European specifiers. Customers have the option to order Multifibre DW as either rolls or in cut pieces, depending on the type of testing they plan to conduct.

We also stock a range of the most popular American Multifibers, which are suitable for AATCC test methods. These are different in both the composition and construction compared to the Multifibre DW.

SKU: 702-520
  • ISO 105-F10

This product is Multifibre DW Adjacent Fabric – Pre-cut 100x40mm with gimped edges (250 pieces)

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